What kinds of bouquets do we have?
Bouquets differ by recipes, way of creating, packing and size. We’ve describd the most popular options:

Duo/trio/quartet bouquet is made of two/tree/four types of flowers. Usually, every flower kind in a bouquet is equal, there is no dominating one. All blossoms are matching and create wonderful bunch.

Mono bouquet is made of one type of flowers, there can be matching greenery. This option is perfect if you know what’s the favourite flower of a person who you present a bouquet. It is also a wonderful option for house decorating.
Signature bouquets are tailor made – we don’t create the same composition twice. We pick the most fresh, seasonal flowers from our suppliers and create the brand new example. Each bouquet is handcrafted with flowers different by size, shape and texture, but matching perfectly.
Flowers in a hat box look elegant and stylish. This is a good option if you present flowers and a receiver don’t have opportunity to put them in a water.
Bouquet in a vase doesn’t require a lot of affords. A receiver needs just to take it from the box and put to the most beautiful angle.
How to choose between all these options?
Bouquet, box, basket or vase?This choice is not that hard. You should bear in mind a situation and what person likes. Boxes and baskets can be useful for house needs, these options are also wonderful if you don’t have opportunity to put flowers in a water. Bouquet in a vase is always a good idea if you’re invited to a family celebration. It can become a charming decoration of a warm dinner and a lovely reminder for a host for next days. It’s also the most ecological option. Just a bouquet would be great if a receiver has a lot of vases.
Signature bouquet or mono bouquet?
We’ve discussed this topic in a special article. The main points are:
- If you like predictability, afraid of risk and strangeness, it’s better to choose a bouquet from a catalog. There always be a chance of different result, but it’s less than any other option.
- Signature bouquet is for those who likes surprises and ready to see something unpredictable. It’s also a good option to find “your” florist who understand your taste, who can meet your wishes and amaze at the same time.