A bouquet of roses is a win-win option if you are not sure what kind of flowers the recipient likes. All you have to do is choose the range and variety. Now imagine how nice it is to receive not just a bouquet, but a finished composition in a vase. You save the recipient from the hassle of searching for a suitable vase, and there may not be one at all. In addition, you can choose not a simple vase, but one that will be a good gift in itself.
We can also, on the contrary, start not from the bouquet, but from the vase. If you like a particular vase in our catalog, let us know and we will offer you options for bouquets that will look good in it.
If your favorite roses are not in the “Roses in a Vase” section, contact us in any way convenient for you, we will select and offer you vases exactly for the roses you want to order.
Why should you order roses in a vase?
- Firstly, this will show you care about the recipient. If this is a big holiday, the host of the reception is already full of troubles and worries, and the search for a supply vase will burden him even more. If you give him a bouquet right away in a vase, he will be grateful to you, since he will only have to choose the place where to put it
- Secondly, if this is not your last bouquet, next time you will know that your loved one already has a vase. Just remind us of this, and we will put together a bouquet that will fit well in exactly that vase
- Thirdly, after the flowers have faded, the recipient will have the vase as part of your gift, which will always be associated with you
Which vase will contain a bouquet of roses?
By default, we use simple glass tube vases or tapered necks, without unnecessary decorative elements. But if you want to give a more interesting vase with an unusual shape, texture or color, we will select one just for your bouquet.We can also, on the contrary, start not from the bouquet, but from the vase. If you like a particular vase in our catalog, let us know and we will offer you options for bouquets that will look good in it.
How to buy a bouquet of roses in a vase?
We can simply choose the bouquet you like in this section and order it directly through the website with convenient online payment.If your favorite roses are not in the “Roses in a Vase” section, contact us in any way convenient for you, we will select and offer you vases exactly for the roses you want to order.