A bouquet of carnations is charming and terry. Contrary to common prejudices, carnation is a very delicate and cheerful flower, its texture and color palette will make many other flowers jealous.
The color palette of carnations is one of the widest, it is simply impossible to remember all varieties. And their variety is amazing: from snow-white and caramel to deep purple and even blue.
Carnations look good both in mono bouquets, where they can fully demonstrate their delicate texture, and in combination with other ones, where they participate as a basis.
Why Carnation is a good choice?
Carnations are very long-living. With proper care, they can stay fresh in a vase up to two weeks, and sometimes more.The color palette of carnations is one of the widest, it is simply impossible to remember all varieties. And their variety is amazing: from snow-white and caramel to deep purple and even blue.
Carnations look good both in mono bouquets, where they can fully demonstrate their delicate texture, and in combination with other ones, where they participate as a basis.
What kinds of Carnations do we have?
As we said above, the variety of carnations color is huge. We divided them into ranges and highlighted the most popular varieties of our catalog in them:- White and peach: Everest, Moon Golem, Apple tee, Peach Novia
- Pink: Ambrose, Signorelli, Alcazar, Rimini
- Fuchsia and Violet: Kirsi, Munakwa, Ecstasis, Hypnosis
- Red and Orange: Zurigo, Don Pedro, Gobi, Tamarindo
- Yellow and green: Diletta Crema, Polymia, Milfey, Goblin, Lady in Green
- Complex colors: Black Molly, Antique, Nautilus, Crazy Horse
Bouquets with carnations
- Mono discreet and cute, you can see the texture of each bud in them
- Duo-trio combinations always come out unusual. For example, a bouquet of Black Molly carnations and hydrangeas looks like something alien and mysterious. And the combination of lemon carnations and garden clematis is very sweet and tender
- Composite. We add carnations to many complex bouquets. Because due to their wide palette, you can pick up carnations for almost any bouquet
- In a vase. Very convenient for the recipient - he does not have to look for a vase at home
- In a hatbox. It is also easy to care for and looks stylish